About Us

We are Belinda & Rachael, creators and owners of Far Fetched Designs. We met as makers at different handmade markets - Belinda with Mr Moo and Rachael with Orcwood. Both originally were a side hustle for each of us - tapping into our creative sides and our love of sewing & making, and both are still our independent brands; now stocked in our store, keeping our love of creating alive.
We started Far Fetched Designs in July 2014 after getting to know each other at Craft markets around Melbourne on weekends, while juggling *real* jobs and young families during the week. For unknown reasons, market organisers kept placing our stalls next to each other, even though we both sold kids clothing - but instead of it being a negative, we became fast friends. After one particularly wet and windy outdoor market we thought, there's got to be a better way! And that's when we put our heads together and came up with the idea of renting a pop-up space over winter and bringing together all of our amazingly talented maker friends to join us and share the costs. We knew there were many people out there who never make it to a weekend craft market, and they were missing out on seeing just how truly talented some people are.
Our very first pop-up shop was in Anderson Street, Yarraville, and while it was a lot of work and hours (and was only open for 8 weeks) it was an overwhelming success! So much so, that we decided to look for another space for Christmas that year, and landed in a store almost three times the size, on Gamon Street, Yarraville. That meant we could almost triple the number of makers, artists and crafters involved, and that store was also a success and exceeded all our expectations.
The following year we thought we'd experiment a little further away and had a pop-up shop in Sydney Road, Brunswick, before heading back to the West for our second Christmas store in Birmingham St, Yarraville. These four stores taught us so much, but also cemented what we were both discovering - we wanted a permanent space, and we wanted it to be close to both our homes in the Inner West.
After tirelessly looking and some disappointment we finally found the perfect space for us, and we opened our very first permanent space in Seddon Village in June 2016. Seddon Village has been an amazing and welcoming community to us over the years and we could not have ended up in a more perfect location.
Making beautiful things that people want to buy is extremely rewarding for both of us, and having Far Fetched Designs as an avenue to sell our ranges as well as support so many other makers is a dream come true. We have been able to call Far Fetched Designs our *real* jobs since 2016 and we both now focus on the store, sewing and making fulltime. It's a lot of hard work, but so rewarding. We love what we do, our community and most of all our customers, and we wouldn't have it any other way.

Our Store...

Our Community..
Boomerang Bag Sewing Bees

West Projections art installations

Seddon Village Traders Association

community & charity support

When you shop at Far Fetched Designs, you are not only supporting a small independently owned and run local business - you are also helping to support the 50+ makers, crafters and artists; enabling them to showcase their talents and beautifully handcrafted items in our store.